Lesson 3.2

Juan Medina
Nov 3, 2020

Something that really stood out to me in Ibram X. Kendi chapter about power was him going through racial puberty. The idea of finally being able to see the social construct of racism around you. Being a black individual reading about all these black leaders fighting for the same thing. Going to a school where there was only one black teacher. These are things that help lead him to hitting “racial puberty”. With everything going on around has helped me come to similar conclusions Kendi has come to. Not being color blind has allowed me to see the beauty in the difference's we have. “ Race is a power construct…creates new forms of power: the power to categorize and judge, elevate, and downgrade, include and exclude.” This was well put by Kendi, explaining how race was created by hungry power individuals that used differences as negatives or positives depending on which side you're on. #IntroRelUH

